The Human Complexities of Executive Protection
Recently, Elon Musk hosted Saturday Night Live and during his opening monologue, he publicly admitted he has Asperger’s Syndrome on live TV. I applaud Musk for coming forward with this admission as it can help open the dialog with others who have various degrees of this syndrome, which is now considered to be part of the Autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
In my experience in executive protection (close protection), this openness may be a huge benefit in educating professionals on this “elephant in the room” topic. As we have all learned more about ASD, we are finding better ways to support those affected.
Previously, dealing on a personal or professional level with someone with an ASD could manifest itself regarding a difference in their personal security perspective, miscommunication, perhaps exhibiting habits or actions that could in fact be harmful to the principal, as well as other unique scenarios that can all be part of any unique close protection relationship between the protectee and the protector.
Art by Nima Sotoudeh
Often there might be quiet conversation among staff and the protective agents regarding these challenges but discussing these concerns, even privately, is often seen as taboo and just avoided. In my experience, principals with varying degrees of ASD and even those with bipolar episodes can sometimes create additional challenges or confusion for those providing the close protection and lead to elevated personal risk for the principals.
According to Applied Behavior Analysis, Asperger’s Syndrome is one of the disorders that is generally considered high functioning on the Autism spectrum. Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome, known as Aspergians, may suffer from a number of impairments, namely social, but also can have challenges with motor skills. For example, Aspergians have difficulty with communication in a variety of ways. They may have self-imposed rules or patterns that are usually very restrictive.
According to Applied Behavior Analysis, Asperger’s Syndrome is one of the disorders that is generally considered high functioning on the Autism spectrum.
It has been estimated by the World Health Organization that as many as 44 million individuals globally have elements of Asperger’s and about 1 in 270 people have ASD. While there are varying degrees of Asperger’s, don’t think for one minute those with this syndrome are not successful or functional - often it is just the opposite.
Asperger’s and ASDs affect all walks of life: politicians, actors, entrepreneurs, athletes, musicians, academia, writers, artists and others. In some cases, their unique characteristics help them to focus on the very things that make them extremely successful.
Aspergians may exhibit one or all of the following 10 characteristics, according to Applied Behavior Analysis:
Intellectual or artistic interest
Speech differences
Delayed motor development
Poor social skills
The development of harmful psychological problems
Not socially driven
High integrity
Masters of routine
Because Aspergians tend to be highly intellectual, functional, creative and focused individuals, many of the world’s most successful people (some of the wealthiest too as many are included on Forbes World’s Billionaires List) are known or rumored to have Asperger’s. Musk is just one high-profile example.
In my experience, I have had the privilege to provide protection and assist in building programs for many successful people, some of whom may fall into the category of “rumored or confirmed” diagnoses of Asperger’s. As one who is in the EP profession, you can see from the list of characteristics above that there are more than a few traits that could be cause for concern or create challenges when protecting those with this syndrome.
I would recommend learning more about this syndrome and in some cases seeking professional advice from a qualified clinical psychologist on how ASDs can affect your protective approach and even communication between you and your principals.
I shared this article with a couple of highly respected and experienced security professionals to get their perspectives before going public with this article, as I do recognize the sensitivity to the content. Both acknowledged that this is an important and appropriate topic of discussion.
While we can see many outward physical challenges a principal may have (wheel chairs, walkers, poor eyesight, etc. that pose their own sets of tactical difficulties), when we are confronted with protecting a principal who has an undisclosed ASD, situations may arise that pose a greater risk to the protectee.
This issue can get even more complicated with family details with similar challenges. Close protection enters a space of intimate proximity and knowledge and, when combined with human interaction, mutual trust is required by all involved.
In being entrusted to “protect” our principals and clients, this also includes their privacy and personal information. So this editorial is NOT meant to be an open forum or invitation to talk about specific clients or principals who may have some form of ASD or other conditions, but more broadly on the topic of protecting and building programs around those who do.
It’s in education and understanding that we find the path to improvement which leads to enhancing our ability to support our principals with appropriate and individualized close protection. No two principals are the same. It’s important we address the many aspects of this syndrome or any other mental or physical health concerns as it relates to our ability to protect our principals, and in some cases, even from themselves.
Enter the super dynamics and human complexities of close protection that I write about in The Protected.
Musk has bravely and publicly acknowledged something very personal and private, which I hope might help to shine a positive light and foster meaningful conversation on the topic for everyone, and not just the rich and famous.
— Mike